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Sunday, May 22, 2011

No messing with perfection!

Perfect is the easiest way to describe this weekend! And why not? It was supposed to be the end of the world or something right? why not make it a perfect weekend?
Friday I went to sushi with some of the most amazing people anyone could ever be lucky enough to know! I was going to take pictures, but I forgot...Then we went shopping, spent time in bath and body works, and then read super hero and zombie books in Barnes and NobLE...haha that's for you, you know who you are! We ended this amazing day with watching Sweeny Todd!
Saturday I got to work on homework, share a sno cone with Lorna, more homework, and a concert where people sang disney songs! I did a lot of homework on saturday but it was enjoyable...even though I feel like I got nothing done! It rained! Perfect weather for yet another perfect day!
Sunday went to church, ate dinner with Lorna and Ben, made cinnamon rolls with Lorna and Ben(that actually turned out pretty darn good if I might say so myself), went stadium singing with Reece and visited friends that had not been visited in far too long!
I realized that you really need to notice and appreciate the simple things in life. It's the little things that add up to make life perfect, even when you have those bumps!
This is my idean of taking in the simple things!

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