Welcome! This blog is nothing more and nothing less that my mind on paper...well computer I suppose. follow me or dont follow me, read my posts or not, they will still come.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Whirl Wind of Crazy

So, Im horrible at this stuff obviously, but right now I'm really kind of freaking out so I figured maybe writing it down and stuff will help.
Well I've been back in Rexburg for a while now. School right now is crazy. I only have 4 weeks left, and people say Im supposed to be excited, but Im more scared than anything. So many big choices to make like where to go and what to do with my life after that! I tell people my "plan" but in reality, I have no idea what Im doing.
I want to be a kid again where the biggest thing I had to think about was what game I was going to play. I guess it will all be an adventure, Im just not sure Im ready for an adventure this big...welp...holding on tight, because ready or not the ride will keep moving, moving faster than before!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

No messing with perfection!

Perfect is the easiest way to describe this weekend! And why not? It was supposed to be the end of the world or something right? why not make it a perfect weekend?
Friday I went to sushi with some of the most amazing people anyone could ever be lucky enough to know! I was going to take pictures, but I forgot...Then we went shopping, spent time in bath and body works, and then read super hero and zombie books in Barnes and NobLE...haha that's for you, you know who you are! We ended this amazing day with watching Sweeny Todd!
Saturday I got to work on homework, share a sno cone with Lorna, more homework, and a concert where people sang disney songs! I did a lot of homework on saturday but it was enjoyable...even though I feel like I got nothing done! It rained! Perfect weather for yet another perfect day!
Sunday went to church, ate dinner with Lorna and Ben, made cinnamon rolls with Lorna and Ben(that actually turned out pretty darn good if I might say so myself), went stadium singing with Reece and visited friends that had not been visited in far too long!
I realized that you really need to notice and appreciate the simple things in life. It's the little things that add up to make life perfect, even when you have those bumps!
This is my idean of taking in the simple things!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


So I was with some friends tonight and somehow we got talking about blogs...my friend asked me if I had posted anything new...I fail!
I will try to be better...I just never know what to really put up. So I've decided to just kind of keep a journal type thing online I suppose so ...starting now!
Entry #1
A while ago I realized how negative I always acted, or atleast felt like I acted negativly towards life. I decided that I hated that. For the last two months I have woken up every morning and told myself "Today is going to be an AMAZING day! Why? Because I said so!" It's amazing, the effect words have on us! It has been very rare that I have had a bad day in the last two months. I am currently taking an interpersonal communications class. We talked about how we as people often say "they MADE me feel this way!" It is impossible for someone to MAKE you feel anything. They can choose to do things that you may choose to be angry or upset at, but ultimately it is your choice. That hit me pretty hard, but it has also changed my life!

There are still days that I have a harder time choosing to not feel something...I still feel lonely, sad, angry, frustrated...I feel! It's just so much more worth it to choose to feel all the happy good feelings! I love choosing to see and appreciate my blessings! I have the most amazing family and friends! AMAZING people! I absolutely love my life, even the hard times. I wouldnt be me without them! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Misfit misfit

so my entries will probably be nothing more than words that have been filling my head spilled on paper...or computer...it may not make sense, but welcome to my mind. enter at your own risk!

So I've noticed lately that I am the odd misfit. I belong to a group of "misfit toys" but I've also noticed that I'm the odd one that, although I fit because all misfits fit there, I'm the different one. I have similar tastes...sometimes, but not quite the same. My dreams are similar, but not. I dont quite fit, but I can also switch and fit just as nicely in different groups of misfits. But I love my group. I choose to stay, feeling slightly more odd, with MY misfits. I love them all and they help me to appreciate my uniqueness. They've become my family outside of family, but closer in a way.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

wow...it's been what? over a year?

I really suck at this whole updating, and I doubt anyone is following me, but if you are I'm sorry. To catch you up on my life...
I'm now 24, I feel old all the time, but it's ok because I dont really act my age. I either act much older than I really am or more often much younger.
I'm now living in Rexburg, going to BYU-Idaho and have 2 semesters left until I can leave this place!
I have developed new dreams. After graduation, more than anything I want to take a trip with some of my friends and spend a week or so in England. If I could choose to have any job and not have to worry about job security or money I would choose to be a historical archaeologist, or a museum curator.
I want nothing more than to go sky diving some days, and being alone has become quite the security blanket for me. it's just safer that way!
I still love my life, it's crazy and surprising and definitely changing daily, but it keeps me on my toes, and keeps me moving.